First off, what a year this has been for me! I could’ve never imagined how life-changing this experience was and I’m grateful for every moment this year.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for lovingly being a part of my journey whether it’s been actively or passively - I felt y’all in ways that helped me continue living with a lot of love and laughter. I felt y’all watching and cheering me on these last 12 months…I felt your loving embrace as I went through grief and pain. I felt it so hard, y’all.
I don’t know how to express in words how much love I have for y’all…thank you for everything.
What’s Next
As my gap year comes to an end on July 20, 2019, I’ve decided to ‘extend’ my Adult Gap Year so-to-speak. I’m continuing my exploration of what’s next in my life while picking up part-time gigs in NYC, launching my holistic offerings with my new website, and creating more personal storytelling projects which includes Sticky Situations. I don’t know what my body of work and contribution will be, but I’m excited about it and have even started my own funding page for anyone who wants to support my work ( It started off as a joke, but I figured “why the hell not!”
Because of my pride and ego, it took me a bit to finally be at peace with picking up odd-jobs around the city, but I can happily say that I’ve found a good temping agency that will allow me to work less than 20 hours a week doing basic admin work. This will provide me some structure and income while allowing me to continue creating the next phase of my life by doing the things that I want to do, collaborating with others, and being wherever I want to be.
Don’t worry, I’ll continue to be living out of Queens, NY! In general, I don’t plan on moving, but I do plan on being a bit more ‘everywhere’…not sure what that means yet, but I’m excited for it! One of the biggest lessons I took away with me this year, was the fact that I wanted to be more flexible and mobile - so at the drop of a hat, I can catch a plane to wherever I need or desire to be. That is something I want to integrate into my life forevermore.
In terms of this blog, I’ll still continue using Diary of an Old Millennial as a space to free-write my thoughts - so feel free to subscribe and stay in touch through this portal!
In the next 3-months, I plan to concentrate primarily on healing and creative work with a focus on providing private Reiki energy therapy, growing a community meditation practice, establishing creative collaboration, and general learning for myself.
What lies after that, I don’t know. But I know it’s going to be awesome!
Thank you again for all of your love and support.
Recap of my Adult Gap Year
July 2018 | Left in NYC
September 2018 | Back to Texas - Dad hospitalized due to medication side effects
October 2018 | Travelled around Texas & Mexico City
November 2018 | Went to Vietnam to Visit Family then Crazy Rich Asian’d Singapore with Friends
December 2018 | NYC to Rest, Reflect, & Prepare for Part 2 (Non-Travel Edition) of my Adult Gap Year
January 2019 | Travelled to South Africa
February 2019 | Back to Texas & with my Dad Before He Passed
March 2019 | Started Reiki Practice and became a Practitioner at MINKA Brooklyn & Re-Imagining the Future
April 2019 | Celebrated my 35th Birthday!
May 2019 | Went to Blue Cliff Monastery NY and then celebrated Dad’s 100-Day
June 2019 | Travelled to Los Angeles
July 2019 | Launch Website, Soon —> Ash -Spreading of Dad in the Atlantic Ocean
The shoes that took me all over the world to experience the experiences.