My Daily Schedule When I'm Not Traveling
Awhile back I received a question as to how I focus myself during my year off of work. At that time I didn’t really have an answer because there was nothing that I was really focusing except to just chill, learn, and have fun. My gap year wasn’t all about traveling, it was much more than that to me and I didn’t want my answer to come off as a one-stop solution that anyone should follow.
However, after some thought I realized that chilling, learning, and having fun was part of my focus and showing people how I section my day could be helpful in terms of allowing people to really think about what they want to do with their day. This is not a one-size-fits-all type of schedule, and I hope you can use the chunking of hours to focus on what it is that you want.
Without further ado, below is the schedule I normally have when I’m back in New York and not traveling around. Again, this doesn’t happen every day, just a lot of the days. As I go into 2019, this schedule will definitely change again. Enjoy!